Must be heard!!

 So two posts ago I talked about how seeing so called influencers staying neutral or silent about the unjust tyrannical and colonial reality of the modern day (Is**el) was infuriating the frontal lobe out of me. 

And towards the end of my post, I included Mohammad Hijab's response video to Russel Brand. Given how the latter's recent introductory video about Palestine "Take a Side", was a great demonstration of the ever-irritating-lame-gluteus-neutrality that some people adopt. NEVERTHELESS! Russel's following video; which is an excerpt from his conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté (a Jewish Holocaust survivor), reminded me of why I've always respected Russel. I still don't understand his initial take on the matter and the reasons behind it, but I highly appreciate him bringing someone like Maté and giving him the uninterrupted unedited time and space to talk so breathtakingly about the explicit truth and his recongnition of the disastrous validity of the Palestinian Nakba. Not just for the Palestinians but for the Jews around the world and all humans basically. 

  The oppression needs to stop! The brutal totalitarianism must end! We are in 2021 people! Globalization shrinked the world into a tiny while that may have also resulted in some negative consequesnces, the positives are crucial to acknowledge when it comes to living through a contemporary historical crisis such as this. Information is widely spread, media platforms have less chances of bigotry and propaganda (regardless of censorship attempts and propagandistic corporational bandwidth). 

It is a hot mush that also gives light for many naked eyes to glance and unravel the live and raw state of things. It is up to you whether to accept the truth or remain blurred up from it. Which brings me to think of some sayings that stood out to me from Dr. Maté's speech in the video that I extremely urge you to attentively watch and listen to.

"if anybody these days doesn't know, it is not because the information isn't's not about what you know it is about what you could've known but didn't want to find out" 


"there are no two sides...there was a land with people living there and other people wanted it, they took it over and they continue to take it over"

"..the Jews in Roman times all of them never left Palestine...many of them stayed there and some of them hundreds of years later converted to guess who the Palestinians are? They might be descendants of ancient Jews...they are cousins to say the least"


"There is no way you could have ever created a Jewish state without oppressing and expelling the local population, which is what they did in 1947"

and more utterly juicy stuff in the video. I would've quoted this entire testimony of I could!

More quotes:

"In Canada there is a law that you cannot deny the holocaust but in Is**el, you are not allowed to mention the Nakba even though it was the foundation of the state"

"We created this beautiful dream but we imposed a nightmare on somebody else"

"When I visited the occupied territories during the first Intifada I cried everyday for two weeks at what I saw; the brutality of the occupation, the petty harassment, the murderousness of it, the cutting down of the Palestinian olive groves, the denial of water right, the humiliations and this went on and it's much worse now than it was then"

"Now you have these miserable people packed into this horrible [Gaza]...what people call the world's largest outdoor prison"

"Everytime there is a conflict Is**el mows the lawn...they call it mowing the lawn by which they mean the mass murder of Palestinian civilians"

"the dispropotion of power and responsibility and oppression is so markedly on one side that the worst thing you can say about Hamas multiplied by a thousand times it still will not meet the Is**eli repression, killing and dispossession of Palestinians"

"for him to say [any Zionist] that anybody who criticizes Is**el is an antisemite is an egregious attempt to intimidate good non-jews who are willing to stand up for what is true"

"When Palestinian kids threw stones at the Is**eli soldiers they were called terrorists...Is**el gets away with a lot more with much less criticism in the western press than any other country"

  On that note, I feel compelled to point out using Maté's word: mixing up antisemitism with antizionism is a huge disservice to the Jewish people. Because such conflation allows zionists to represent all the Jews including geniunely humane and sympathetic ones who do not and will not settle for tyranny and oppression of other nations. Not to mention those who actually descended from Holocaust survival since their ancestors initially did not approve of a supremacist state that was basing off of shedding innocent Palestinian blood and expelling people from their homeland.  

Sabra and Shatila Massacre by Dia Al-azzawi


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