I hate waiting! I've always have. Even though I made people wait throughout my life which I'm deeply remorseful for. Just how I've been recently told by a strangely loyal visitor of my blog that they've been waiting for me to post for the longest. First of all, I'm still surprised that anybody would actually wait for this blog to get updated. But since I've been learning and training myself to accept compliments and flattery, I think that's super cool and I appreciate their waiting! Though I must clarify the following; it's not that I haven't written anything on this blog since July, it's just that whatever I wrote didn't make it to the publication thus far. It all remained in the drafts section or got sent down to the bin. Like I do with most of my writing. With that being said, I think I must publish this post this time whether it ends up decent or utter nonsense. For I know I am not the only person who's agonizingly going through thi...
One of my notable plans for 2021- of which I haven't spoken of to anybody other than few close people- was this writing project that I've been aiming at since 2 years ago. If you write regularly then you are already a writer. However, as soon as you start identifying yourself as one, you unintentionally set up to go through frequent writer blocks and painful blankness, until you start to question what makes you qualified for such position to begin with! Why would anybody refer to you as a writer for that matter?! At least, this is what went on for me. For this reason, I find myself again reminded with, why labels usually constrain more than they do orient us. Recently I came across this very hope inducing advice from one of my highly respected thinkers of our modern time, Dr. Jordan Peterson. Any words I could ever construct to express how much of a motivating as well as a calming role he's played for me during this lockdown, would be an understatement! So let's refle...
I am struggling right now to make a post. What even is this thing? A blog? A virtual journal? A poetry space...? No idea. No idea at all. I used to think alienation is just part of a philosophical school of thought, or some outlook you develop after being heavily inspired by Camus or some dude you're ought to say their name in their native accent. You know, just to earn the club's approval. Turns out, life is alienating on its own; not because you're isolated and have nobody to connect to, but the things you see taking place are too bizzare to fit into your perception and for you to process them as real. I don't know, I am not planning to make a smart entry. I haven't been feeling so smart lately. I just allowed blankness take the most out of my mind, for good or bad cause. I don't feel the urge to share what I've been doing in my life lately. I like to think some incredible things happened, or maybe I just met some incredible people. I've mainly been ...
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