it's been a while.
First times are always awkward...
Even if they are not the first first times..
Look at me now, blogging for the first time in years and a day
Through lyrical expression, I may push the awkwardness away
Oh no! I am not about to turn this into a rythm
It's an old style that could limit my freedom
Let's go back to the main point of why I am blogging
I've been through a lot, that I forgot, how good it feels
Trying to reattach to my old (younger) self
Not much has changed, though my grammar has improved
I dislike structure, and few rhymes could be used
I am not a poetess and this is not a poem
Though, anything that expresses loss and lack of prose
nowadays, it's is called poetry
No, I am not bashing modernity
I hold nothing but respect for all the people of creativity
but sometimes it gets rediculous with all these wannabe-artsy
I am really contemplating the need to increase my vocabulary
Because word is power, word is worth
So, I am either discovering or showcasing that I am self-worthy
It is becoming a mess, I tend to edit a lot
to a point that I don't recall the original entry
I don't feel much pressure and I appreciate mediocrity
Otherwise, I wouldn't get a thing done and my life would be empty.

Love this😍 welcome back hehe