Writer's Block and My New Favorite Person

 One of my notable plans for 2021- of which I haven't spoken of to anybody other than few close people- was this writing project that I've been aiming at since 2 years ago. If you write regularly then you are already a writer. However, as soon as you start identifying yourself as one, you unintentionally set up to go through frequent writer blocks and painful blankness, until you start to question what makes you qualified for such position to begin with! Why would anybody refer to you as a writer for that matter?! At least, this is what went on for me. 

For this reason, I find myself again reminded with, why labels usually constrain more than they do orient us. Recently I came across this very hope inducing advice from one of my highly respected thinkers of our modern time, Dr. Jordan Peterson. Any words I could ever construct to express how much of a motivating as well as a calming role he's played for me during this lockdown, would be an understatement! So let's reflect on that in another time.

What his tip basically suggests, in favor for anyone who's struggling with productivity and creativity is the old but simply gold phrase: "DON'T STOP" But his take on it comes as followed: Don't stop, even if you had to blankly stare  👀 at your unfinished paper/task for hours everyday. Don't let a gap to be created between you and your work. You certainly don't want to lose familiarity with it! 

I am determined now to do just that on a daily basis, and if I can at least come up with one line a day or every other day, I'm sure I will accomplish more than what I would have if I had simply waited for inspiration to creep in! 

Having said that, I am not proceeding to talk here about Jordan Peterson as my new favorite person. Mainly because first, he's been more like my new favorite obsession. Second, I'm not in the suitable shape to do him justice right now. I may get to elaborate on that in another post, if I ever get to it. Given the upcoming college commitments. 

Ok, enough pulling! The latest celebrity added to my list of favorites, has surprisingly been Paulina Porizkova, the wonderfully controversial model! This is unusual for me since I barely follow up any models, let alone pick favorites from them. Though by humanly inspirational means, she is just delightful! Other than her ageless alluring beauty she is also brains! Not the kind of intelligence that would make you feel stupid or looked down on, but the kind that invites you to start acknowledging your own intelligence and worth! Why? Because this super model can be just as relatable as any average human you know! And the fact that she's also an author is a bonus! 

I confess that my view of models was kind of narrow-minded and judgemental, not that I've ever felt I'm better than them...though I often thought why? Why do they pursue a career that allows them to explore nothing into themselves other than how they look and make clothes look? Sure I am in no way about to turn this post into a critique of the modeling industry (Paulina did enough of that FYI! xD), but little did I know I was missing to see them as humans first and foremost, individuals if I may say. With their own experiences and circumstances in life. There is always so much more to an individual than what you could conclude from the job he/she is occupying or the clothes he/she is wearing.     

One of the ways how I'm positive of that is, when the person is given a free space to speak. I've been binge-watching her interviews (old and relatively recent) and I'm seriously thinking she is an intellectual! Just not the conventional type. This woman is real as real can get! Unpolegitecally! Which is both refreshing and inspiring. 

She is real because she doesn't hide her confusion and loss in the world. When Kafka did just that he was called a philosopher but why not her too? Why not you? Not only that ,but she is also willing to depict those confusions and put them in the hands of the average plain person to recognize and appreciate. 

"When I model I pretty much go blank. You can't think too much or it doesn't work"

"I’ve never really liked modeling..People are shocked when I say I love the money and hate the job, but it isn’t very creative to stand in front of a camera all day"

"Beauty, unlike the rest of the gifts handed out at birth, does not require dedication, patience and hard work to pay off. But it's the only gift that does not keep on giving." 

My final thought would be, let us try our best to look past someone's physical appearance that's in front of us. That's simply a shell, the real person exist far within! 

Edit from 2024 Zee: Well this post reflects my sentiments about the above mentioned figures from an ignorant and primitive angle I had at the time. A pivotal stage has taken place starting a little prior to 7th of October, 2023. This stage has explicitly revealed some depraved stances taken by Peterson and that chick named Paulina or something. I have now, reached the point of absolute loathing towards them that peaked to utter indifference and towards all those who support jenna side. It still does not affect the validity of the lesson I learned from them. I should be grateful, but I embrace detesting pro jenna side folks even if they taught me how to physically fly. Maybe the lesson is real, but the person giving it, is NOT!


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