"Thought Provoking" Questions: My Answers

It's been almost a year since I last made a post. It's a combination of many things as to why I went MIA from this blog. Not much to be shared but between growing conscious of how much I post online and failing to detach from certain personal encounters that inspired a couple of my previous posts, I felt compelled to take some time off and even contemplated shutting the whole thing down. I didn't and shouldn't do it! I have a history of shutting down a precious blog earlier and I am not to repeat the same reaction. No more letting external events intervene in the fate of my personal spaces; though I must mention, this is still a publicly accessible territory and I intend to only pour splashes of the personal onto it; the rest can be anything other than reflective of my "reality"- what I stand for and go through-. Unless I verbally emphasize my self-involvement in the subject, your attempt to pigeonhole me is purely speculative and perhaps even projective of y...