Must be heard!!
So two posts ago I talked about how seeing so called influencers staying neutral or silent about the unjust tyrannical and colonial reality of the modern day (Is**el) was infuriating the frontal lobe out of me. And towards the end of my post, I included Mohammad Hijab's response video to Russel Brand. Given how the latter's recent introductory video about Palestine "Take a Side", was a great demonstration of the ever-irritating-lame-gluteus-neutrality that some people adopt. NEVERTHELESS! Russel's following video; which is an excerpt from his conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté (a Jewish Holocaust survivor), reminded me of why I've always respected Russel. I still don't understand his initial take on the matter and the reasons behind it, but I highly appreciate him bringing someone like Maté and giving him the uninterrupted unedited time and space to talk so breathtakingly about the explicit truth and his recongnition of the disastrous validity of the Pale...