Social Media and "Socializing"...

I've often had a love-hate relationship with Social Media. As many perks and benefits it may bring, the downfalls are ever so a point that you don't even recall if there were any perks in the first place! I mean, for a concept of which title primarily consists of the word 'Social', you'd expect there is going to be a lot of human to human connections, interactions and However, on the real ground of things, there is simply a bunch of scrolling up and down, turning one post after another, futile shady stories and barely any company. People ask for likes and comments and no matter how many they may get, it is never going to be enough. They will still post about how lonely, misunderstood and unloved they are. They will still be burdened with tons of secrets with nobody to share. They will still be fighting their daily battles alone, behind a screen of strangers who never bothered to even ask if they were doing okay. The list goes on and doesn...